A no preparation printable game focussed on developing skills in identification of place in 3 digit and 4 digit numbers. Identify Units, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands.
You need one 6-sided dice or a 10-sided dice (0-9), one counter each and a pencil. Each player chooses a house and one counter.
How to Play:
Place your counter anywhere on the Place Value Track. Take turns to roll the dice and move your counter.
When it’s your turn, roll the dice. Choose to move your counter one space along the track, either clockwise or anti clockwise.
Shade the part of the brick that matches the Place Value and the number rolled. Note: you can change direction, but can only move one space. If you reach a corner, you can jump to another corner on your next go.
Game 1: Winner is the first to complete one row. Game 2: Winner is the first to complete the whole house.
Game 1: Focus: 3 digit numbers using 6 sided dice.
Game 2: Focus: 3 digit numbers using 10 sided dice (0-9).
Game 3: Focus: 4 digit numbers using 6 sided dice.
Game 4: Focus: 4 digit numbers using 10 sided dice (0-9).
Package includes:
4 games
Images Copyright: JBee Educational Resources
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