The Place Value Quiz can be used for explicit teaching and checking student’s knowledge. It is in multiple choice quiz format. Each question is immediately followed by the answer so that students can check their answer. Tips are given for what to look for and teachers can give explicit teaching as required.
The quiz is set out in 8 skills with 190 questions in total, 368 slides. For explicit teaching purposes, it is recommended that each section is taught separately. For revision or assessment, the quiz can be used in total.
Each section has several parts with 10 questions each, with a focus on 2 digits or 3 digits. Some sections have a mixed challenge.
Quiz A: Reading numbers.
Quiz B: Identify the biggest number.
Quiz C: Identify the value of the numeral (digit) in the number. Eg 47, the value of the 4 is 40.
Quiz D: Write the words as a number.
Quiz E: Order numbers.
Quiz F: Identify the number before and after.
Quiz G: Place a number on the number line (counting by 1s, 2s or 5s.
Quiz H: Expanded form
Note: This Quiz is saved as a pdf file so formatting is not lost. It is designed to be used as a powerpoint presentation to a whole class or group.
Package includes:
368 slides, 190 questions
Answers included.
Answer sheet included.
Copyright Julie Bellingham
Thanks to some images provided by: Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs.
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