Fractions don’t need to be boring. Play Dominoes or Train Race (Each partner has a set of 12 cards—one A4 sheet. Shuffle cards and race to make one long train.)
Students will develop skills in recognising fractions in two formats: fraction of a whole and fraction of a group.
There are 48 cards, ready to be printed and laminated.
This game is suited for use in small rotational activity centres.
I have also found it useful to copy several sets so the whole class can work on the same task together.
After students have played it several times over a few sessions and become efficient in matching equivalent fractions, my classes have loved playing Train Race to see who can complete the whole set first.
Subjects Maths, Fractions, Decimals
Grade Levels 3rd, 4th, 5th
Resource Types Games, Maths Centres
Total Pages 4 (48 cards)
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