Money Worksheets: Shopping & Calculating Change - Money Problem SolvingThese money sheets can be used for any country that uses decimal currency for money.
A great collection of worksheets for learning to calculate change.
It includes 1) Practice activities to develop Speed & Accuracy. 2) Problem Solving activities to check if students can apply their knowledge and 3) 6 mini tests to monitor student progress.
Page 3-6 Have I Got Enough To Buy 3?
Students choose 3 items to buy and write down their matching letters.
Calculate the total cost of the three items.
Calculate the change from $2. If it costs too much, put a dash or cross.
Repeat to calculate change from $10 or $20.
Page 7-10 Shopping Problems
Calculate the total cost of the items listed.
Calculate the change from $10 or $20. Answers provided.
Read the clues to find out which items the four mums bought.
Page 11-15 Calculating Change Practice
Each page contains 3 separate activities. They can be used one or three per day.
Page 16-17 Which Coins Do I need?
Each page contains two separate activities to calculate change from $1 or $10.
Calculate the change then list the coins needed to make the matching amount.
Page 18-19 Calculating Change Mini Tests
Total of 6 Mini Tests. Each page contains 3 separate tests .
They can be used individually or three per test.
Subjects Maths, Measurement, Applied Maths
Grade Levels 3 and 4
Total Pages 15 worksheets plus instructions
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